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stock reversals

Our stock screening tools, using algorithmic equations, are applied to the End of Day performance data to produce easy to read, color coded summaries and individual charts for the 550+ stocks we track every day. Our trading stock alerts highlight key transition indicators as they occur!

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Performance Results

trading stock alerts

Let us help grow your wealth and stock portfolio with our documented success rate of 70% to 85% on both buy/sell recommendations and stock reversal alerts! A number of our more conservative clients tell us they have never lost on a trade when following our reversal alerts!

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Our Charts

stock screening tool

Discover our highlighted and easy to follow technical indicators that are included on each chart along with a performance analysis and interpretation of our unique charts and graphs. Predictive analysis has never been easier or more accurate!

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stock screening tool
stock reversals

This matrix shows trades we made following our revolutionary program on a variety of symbols and markets. It is important to note here that they aren't all winners. Most of them however, are and those that didn't make the mark were identified quickly so the losses were minimal. Overall, following just this group of trades, we were able to realize a just under 20% gain with some of the individual trades earning well into the 30 percentile!

We invite you to look at the actual charts so you can see what we saw. Click on the symbol and review the chart. When you’re ready to jump aboard, join us as you see patterns we look for daily. Our unique and state-of-the-art system of technical analysis captures occurring Reversals every day!